St. Joseph's Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
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A webinar regarding Project Veer Gatha 2.0 was conducted on 14th October,2022 by the Ministry of Defence. This inspiring project was conducted to make young students interact with Gallantry Award winners to enable them to be motivated by their inspiring journeys. Around 1000 schools attended the webinar out of which 200 youngsters were participants from St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School. Balkaran Singh, a student of class X from ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH was selected to interact with the Gallantry award winners. This was indeed an honour as only 8 students from different schools across the country, were selected to ask questions from the panellists. Three Gallantry Awardees -Maj. Gen Ajay Singh Chauhan, SC, SM (Retd), Col Ashutosh Kale (Retd), ex-CO3 GRENADIERS and Mrs Ritu Pandit, daughter of late Lt Gen V P Airy, MVC shared motivational stories with the students.

MAJ GEN AJAY SINGH CHAUHAN, SC, SM (Retd), spoke about the difficulties and challenges that he and his battalion faced in the Siachen glacier which included extreme temperatures, lack of oxygen and even life-threatening avalanches. His inspiring army life was indeed one of valour, courage and fearlessness .MRS. RITU Pandit expressed some precious moments when she felt proud of the way her father maintained the perfect balance between his army and family life.

COL ASHUTOSH KALE (RETD), ex-CO 3 GRENADIERS, shared the valour of the history of the Indian army and shared the role of three grenadiers in one of the bloodiest battles – THE BATTLE OF JAPAN 1971. He mentioned that the sacrifices made by the brave soldiers should never go wasted and one must salute these brave hearts for their patriotism.

JOSEPHIANS attended the second webinar on 28.10.2022 in which the Gallantry award winners Brig Sri Kumar, SC (Retd), Gp Capt Anindo Sur, VM Cdr S Chennupati, NM shared their courageous and awe-inspiring stories

The webinars were very enlightening for the students who appreciated the armed forces for their tireless efforts and service to the nation.Josephians learnt the values of courage, patriotism and devotion towards duty after listening to the officers and personnel of the armed forces.

The school Director Mr. Paramdeep Grewal appreciated the interactions of the officers with the youngsters. He also emphasized the importance of speaking on the iconic war memorial. The school Principal Ms. Monica Chawla encouraged the Josephites not to give in during challenges and to set goals and accomplish them at all cost. She also appealed to the students to fight difficult times in the same way our Army fights its enemies i.e. with grit, firmness of purpose and determination.

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
Ph. +91 172 4639566,  2662616

Why St. Joseph’s?

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School is one of the chandigarh’s prestigious schools with quality education, a strong intellectual backdrop, an unequivocal commitment to social service , a curriculum that develops various qualities such as discipline, leadership, a spirit of service fair play and becoming responsible world’s citizens.The school bagged three awards in the current session ‘The Best School for Quality Education ‘,’Swachh Vidyalaya’ and ‘ The best Eco club’.
  • a well equipped transportation system
  • to nurture and train players
  • Highly qualified, competent and dedicated staff
  • Music and dance classes
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