St. Joseph's Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
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 Crafting Talent via the Art Workshop ‘Makers Brigade’ conducted at St. Joseph’s

 Crafting Talent via the Art Workshop ‘Makers Brigade’ conducted at St. Joseph’s under skill development programme for girls


 Christmas is the perfect time to kindle the fire of hospitality and the genial flame of charity within us all. Christmas celebrations are always a grand occasion at St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School, Sector 44-D, Chandigarh- with multiple events planned with the aim to foster the true spirit of giving without a thought of getting.

In addition to the other festivities, this year an Art Workshop aptly termed as ‘The Makers Brigade’ was conducted at St. Joseph’s in collaboration with GMHS Sector 53, GMHS Sector 44-D and the Slum Area of Sector 25. It was a golden opportunity for the students of these institutions to give wings to their flights of imagination through their artistic creativity. The children from the neighbouring schools were brought through St. Joseph school bus and given a hands on training, as a part of ‘Girls India Project’ and skill development program of school.The children learnt how to fashion Best out of Waste decorative items such as Wall Hangings, Baskets filled with goodies, Bookmarks etc. in keeping with the theme of Christmas.

Principal, Ms. Monica Chawla spurred on the students with her motivating words of encouragement. She stated that there was no greater gift that one could receive than the lighting up of a child’s face and by providing a platform for the children to hone their talent was in fact seen as a heaven sent blessing by the Josephian family which is why every year special thought is given to planning unique events such as these.

The Principals also got together and exchanged their expertise on the need to focus on Sustainable Development Goals ‘Quality Education’ and ‘Gender Equality’.

It goes without saying that the children enjoyed themselves to the hilt. Apart from the takeaways from the Workshop, they got to shake a leg in the impromptu Dance session that was followed by scrumptious refreshments.

The Workshop served the purpose of demonstrating that Sharing is Caring. Teaching our children to share is teaching them love and compassion, which are the values we sorely  require these days.

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
Ph. +91 172 4639566,  2662616

Why St. Joseph’s?

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School is one of the chandigarh’s prestigious schools with quality education, a strong intellectual backdrop, an unequivocal commitment to social service , a curriculum that develops various qualities such as discipline, leadership, a spirit of service fair play and becoming responsible world’s citizens.The school bagged three awards in the current session ‘The Best School for Quality Education ‘,’Swachh Vidyalaya’ and ‘ The best Eco club’.
  • a well equipped transportation system
  • to nurture and train players
  • Highly qualified, competent and dedicated staff
  • Music and dance classes
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