St. Joseph's Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
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 St. Joseph’s working with Collaborative Schools on SDG 4 – Quality Education

“Knowledge is Power and knowledge shared  is power multiplied.”

St. Joseph’s being  one of the pioneer schools in the tricity to promote teaching through Educational Toys and the proud recipient of the’ Best Practices Award’ for the same, undertook  the venture to shoulder the responsibility of  conducting  training workshops for all the partner Schools to contribute towards attainment of SDG 4 – Quality Education.

To rediscover the role of toys in cognitive development of children a workshop was organised by  St.Joseph’s Sr.Sec.School, Sector 44 D Chandigarh in collaboration with GMSSS, Sector 53 Chandigarh and GMSSS, Sector 44 Chandigarh.The basic aim behind organising these sessions is to transform Education by catalysing, creating and collaborating with each other.

The basic purpose was to equip the teachers from the neighbouring schools in the art of creating toys with the help of low cost material which are environment sustainable and which ignite creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills in the children.

In keeping with the signature style of the Josephian family, the participants were warmly welcomed with handcrafted cards and planters and got to indulge in a photo session which brought a ready smile to their faces.

The session proved to be a happy amalgamation of enthusiasm and creative ideas by the mentors and the attendees as well. Participants divided into groups were introduced to different kinds of toy making and designing game experimentations for the young learners to create a joyful learning experience both for teachers as well as the learners. Demonstration sessions were conducted by the practitioner teachers on making toys and presentation of good practices in the schools. Every group added their efforts and created games using different kinds of material. In the end, the workshop concluded with every group explaining their work and showcasing the ideas and layout.

 “Learning multiplies when we share it with each other.” Handcrafted games were also gifted to the teachers from the neighboring schools as a token of extended support and assistance provided by St. Joseph’s for all their endeavors.

While interacting with the teachers Ms. Monica Chawla Principal St Joseph’s enounced on the vision behind the workshop. She expressed her delight that these collective endeavors will go a long way in transforming Education by collaborating with each other and redesigning the goals of National Education Policy. She urged the participating schools to maintain learning libraries containing selfmade games and toys.

The revered Director St Mr.Paramdeep Singh in his message said that there is a need to create collaborative spaces that would elevate students with countless opportunities for learning and self discovery. He envisioned that with a multitude of games and toys that are being designed would ensure every student engagement with an aim of preparing them for life and careers well beyond the school.

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
Ph. +91 172 4639566,  2662616

Why St. Joseph’s?

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School is one of the chandigarh’s prestigious schools with quality education, a strong intellectual backdrop, an unequivocal commitment to social service , a curriculum that develops various qualities such as discipline, leadership, a spirit of service fair play and becoming responsible world’s citizens.The school bagged three awards in the current session ‘The Best School for Quality Education ‘,’Swachh Vidyalaya’ and ‘ The best Eco club’.
  • a well equipped transportation system
  • to nurture and train players
  • Highly qualified, competent and dedicated staff
  • Music and dance classes
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