St. Joseph's Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
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Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.” Mahatma Gandhi
Secularism, socio-communal harmony and tolerance have been the essence of our nation. St Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School, Chandigarh has unwavering faith in the philosophy of communal harmony. Taking a step forward in keeping the students in sync with it and to promote cohesion among different communities, students were encouraged to gain knowledge of all the cultures and religions.
The peace group of the school organized trips to different religious places in order to bring in the principle of equality and non-discrimination in their minds and lives. It’s easy to dive into the negative potential of communalism whereas the experience of harmony renews the ethos of oneness. Unity in diversity is to be lived in flesh and blood and not only in our books.
While visiting the temples, mosques, gurudwaras and churches, the students are able to understand the peace building measures generated out of each religion as everywhere the message of peace and unity is paramount.
The management of the school and the Principal Monica Chawla eulogized the efforts made by the teachers and the students and was delighted to note that these exercises are helping the students immensely in spreading the message of cooperation and congruity.

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
Ph. +91 172 4639566,  2662616


Why St. Joseph’s?

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School is one of the chandigarh’s prestigious schools with quality education, a strong intellectual backdrop, an unequivocal commitment to social service , a curriculum that develops various qualities such as discipline, leadership, a spirit of service fair play and becoming responsible world’s citizens.The school bagged three awards in the current session ‘The Best School for Quality Education ‘,’Swachh Vidyalaya’ and ‘ The best Eco club’.
  • a well equipped transportation system
  • to nurture and train players
  • Highly qualified, competent and dedicated staff
  • Music and dance classes
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