St. Joseph's Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
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 Educational Toy /Games Exhibition organized by CCPCR

Educational Toy /Games Exhibition organized by CCPCR in association with St. Joseph’s Sr Sec School

“Play is a brain’s favourite way of learning. Children learn as they play. More importantly, in play, children learn how to learn.”

With a resolve to transform Education in city beautiful by catalysing, creating and collaborating with each other  an Educational Toy /Games Exhibition and Awards ceremony 2022 ,an initiative towards creating enjoyable learning libraries was organised by Chandigarh Comission for Protection of Child Rights(CCPCR) in collaboration with St.Joseph’s Sr.Sec.School, Sector 44 D Chandigarh.This exhibition was conducted to provide a platform to exhibit the toys and games crafted by all the participating schools after attending the mentoring sessions  in the workshops where educators of St Joseph’s Chandigarh had taught toy and game making to recraft pedagogies as per NEP Competency Based Teaching,

Several eminent personalities graced this momentous occasion with  Shri Surendra.S.Dahia, Director State Council of Education, Research and Training as the honourable Chief Guest, , Ms Prabhjot Kaur District Education Officer, and Dr Kanwalpreet Kaur, an Associate Professor Institute of Educational Technology and Vocational Education Punjab University ,Chandigarh as the jury members.Maam Monica Chawla Principal St Joseph’s has also graced the occasion.Also present was all the eminent members of CCPCR and SCERT.

The exhibition commenced with the inauguration of the  programme by Ma’am Harjinder Kaur. It was followed by interaction of the Chief Guest and jury members with all the participating Schools.Students ebulliently shared the nuances used by them in their toys and games

 In her address Ma’am Harjinder Kaur enounced on the vision behind the workshops and the exhibition.With her powerful message she set the tone of the workshop.All the distinguished guests and jury members were accorded a floral welcome and a special token of love by Mrs Harjinder Kaur.(CCPCR). She heartily appreciated Ma’am Monica Chawla Principal St.Joseph’s for sharing their best practices in order to make the learning process effective and interesting for all the schools. She expressed her delight that these collective endeavours will go a long way in transforming Education by collaborating with each other and redesigning the goals of National Education Policy.Following Ma’am Harjinder Kaur thought provoking speech, Ma’am Monica Chawla Principal St Joseph’s in her address elaborated on the way forward in seeking to foster the creation of colossal of toys according to the school curricula.She  urged the participating schools to maintain learning libraries containing atleast 25 selfmade games and toys.

The Chief Guest Surendra. S Dahia in his key note address lauded all the participating schools for their creativity and innovative approach followed for toy and games making.He highlighted the need to create collaborative spaces that would elevate students with countless opportunities for learning and self discovery. He envisioned that with a multitude of games and toys that are being designed would ensure every student engagement with an aim of preparing them for life and careers well beyond the school.

The event concluded with the Award ceremony for which the participants had been waiting with bated breath. Guru Nanak Public School, Sector 36, Chandigarh , Government High School Kajheri and Gurukul Global School were felicitated with First, Second and the Third positions respectively. While AKSIPS 41 B, Smart School,GSSS, Sector 56 and GSSS MMT were awarded with Consolation.

Presenting the vote of thanks Mr Chanchal Singh from CCPCR brought the events to a close.

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School
Sector 44-D, Chandigarh
Ph. +91 172 4639566,  2662616

Why St. Joseph’s?

St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School is one of the chandigarh’s prestigious schools with quality education, a strong intellectual backdrop, an unequivocal commitment to social service , a curriculum that develops various qualities such as discipline, leadership, a spirit of service fair play and becoming responsible world’s citizens.The school bagged three awards in the current session ‘The Best School for Quality Education ‘,’Swachh Vidyalaya’ and ‘ The best Eco club’.
  • a well equipped transportation system
  • to nurture and train players
  • Highly qualified, competent and dedicated staff
  • Music and dance classes
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